Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Early Season End for Dallas Tony Romo

Dallas Cowboys athlete Tony Romo who plays as a quarterback in his team got himself badly injured tonight; he got injured during the actual second quarter of the game that was held tonight and it was against the Giants. Boley of the Giants basically had a free shot at Tony that drove him hard into the turf.

The hit came out to be a bit too devastating and it led to a clavicle fracture of Tony and this was something really shocking for all of his fans. The team mates were also seen pretty concerned about his health and they hoped him to be safe from any sort of severe injuries and could get back into the game after some massage.

Things were not easy for the Dallas team as it was found that Tony has a clavicle fracture, ESPN said that the type of clavicle fracture he has suffered from takes around 8 to 10 weeks for recovery, if things are really so bad it means that Tony won’t play anymore in this season.

Read more article on Tony Romo Clavicle Fracture.